High school students from all over Japan as Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Messengers
Currently, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Messengers are active in 21 prefectures across Japan. Each region has its own reasons for engaging in peace activities.
Social Media
Activities from various regions are shared globally through social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter.
Be sure to check out the creative activities and posts from high school students!
We also use this channel to promote our activities, provide reports, and share live streams of our events!
Shizuoka Prefecture shizuoka_peace_high
Nagasaki Prefecture 10000hssc
Nagasaki Prefecture North Branch peacesign.sasebo
Iwate Prefecture iwate.world_peace
Fukuoka prefecture fukuoka_peace
Hyogo Prefecture youth_peace_messengers
Saga Prefecture
Kanagawa Prefecturepeace_kanagawa
Niigata Prefecture niigata_peace
Hiroshima Prefecturehiroshima_peace_messengers25
Nara Prefecturepeace_nara
Osaka Prefecture oasaka_peace
Tokyo Signature
Kumamoto Prefecturepeace_kumamoto
When you tap the icon
You can access the account.
Hyogo Prefecture is also posting information on a special website!
A channel established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are posting videos created in collaboration with Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Messengers from across the country!
There are many other videos available as well!!